How to Start Exercising When you Suffer from Chronic Migraine

Migraine sufferers (or migraineurs as we often refer to ourselves!) can find
exercise a tricky beast. On the one hand, we know it helps us feel better in a
myriad ways. On the other, exertion, heat, sunshine, dehydration and noise can
all trigger migraine attacks and therefore leave us a little wary.

In 2018 I stopped exercising other than very gentle incidental walking, and
occasional one on one Pilates. This was a huge change for me, as I really
enjoy moving my body and used to practice yoga every day, long walks regularly
and strength training a couple of times a week. As my migraine frequency
increased, my physical activity decreased. This is actually a common
phenomenon, and something detailed by the largest longitudinal study that
considered migraine, the HUNT
Eventually I reached a point where I felt that my life with chronic migraine
was becoming unsustainable – I was constantly being drained of energy and felt
like I had no way to refill my cup.

2019 began with a decision to work with the things in my life I could control
that might help me feel better. Nutrition, movement and mindfulness practice
were the key things I chose. I read Heal Your
and it was an eye-opener. I started on the
protocol, took all the supplements recommended (see Migraine Strong
for more info) and adjusted my diet (check out The Dizzy
for recipes). At the same time, I joined the
local gym. I’ve never been a gym bunny – I’m a yoga teacher, Pilates
enthusiast, indoor rock-climbing and bodyweight exercise fan. However, I
needed something different.

Six months in and I’m feeling better. Not a huge dramatic change, but
generally overall better. Slightly fewer migraines, definitely more energy,
happier and more positive, and determined to keep going.

So how did I start exercising even though I had chronic migraine? I tried to
remember 3 things.

  1. Consistency is everything for the migraine brain

  2. A small amount is better than none

  3. Set limitations, and stick to them (or do even less)


The migraine brain is hypersensitive, particularly when it is in a state of
chronic migraine. Ups and downs can trigger attacks. More sleep than usual,
less sleep than usual, more caffeine or less, or a huge burst of stress and
then the return to baseline – all of these shifts could set off the migraine
chain of events in the brain. So as a migraineur, it is important to try to
keep things level. This applies to your exercise routine too. You are better
off doing a little each day at a similar time, than you are doing one long
burst of activity each week.

Warm-up is also essential, taking our brain slowly from sedentary to work-out
without a big jump in intensity. Start really slow and simple, build up for at
least 5-10 mins and then continue to climb from there. Even when you are
actually exercising, best to try to keep the intensity low-moderate (more on
this in a moment).

Less is More

If we overdo it, we are likely to throw in the towel and give up on the
routine. This makes sense – who wants to exercise if you associate it with
migraine? Yuck. So stick to a small amount to start with, something that you
can comfortably manage without getting an attack. Every little counts, when
starting from sedentary even a small amount is so much better than nothing! 5
minutes around the block is better than staying on the couch, 10 minutes to
the shops is preferable to driving if you can manage it. Set small achievable
goals and build from there.

Set Limitations

I’m aiming for 20 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times a week. This means 20
minutes of moving my body in a way that increases my heart rate and uses my
large muscle groups 3 times a week. Could I do more? Maybe, if I really pushed
myself. Will I increase this? Yes without a doubt, my eventual goal is 40
minutes 3 times a week (including 10 minutes of warm up), as that is the
protocol supported by a recent study. However, when balancing chronic migraine
and the potential benefits of exercise – less is more. Pushing yourself may
well overtax an already stressed out and sensitive brain. Remembering the
first point – our brains love consistency, so we want to gradually increase
the amount we are exercising until it becomes the new baseline.

I’m on my way and building gradually. So far I’ve only had a couple of gym
sessions early on trigger migraines, because I pushed too hard and lifted
weights when maybe I shouldn’t have (more on that another time!). Hopefully by
starting small, building gradually and remembering to warm up I will be fitter
and stronger by the end of the year. I hope that you can feel better with
exercise too.




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