Exercise is an evidence-based therapy for migraine. This idea really stuck
with me after I watched the interview with Mattias Linde PhD on Day 5 of the
Migraine World Summit. Regular exercise
can help prevent migraine attacks, and reduce the number of attacks sufferers
This is such good news, as it’s another reminder that there are things we can
do to help ourselves battle migraine. It doesn’t just come down to medication,
lifestyle, diet and exercise are also important factors for managing this
condition well.
The Migraine World Summit is an
excellent resource for us migraineurs. Each year they gather experts from
around the globe to discuss the latest research, treatment ideas and
approaches to treating migraine. This was the first year I tuned in, after my
chronic migraine diagnosis last year. I have to admit I cried during more than
one talk, it was such a relief to hear this disorder discussed with some
clarity and a whole lot of hope. We have new treatments coming, and more being
researched. One day living with chronic migraine will be so very different to
how it is today.
The exercise nerd in me was very excited to watch the talk on exercise for
migraine. I had already started planning this blog, and had been getting good
results personally from my new movement routine. However, watching Mattias
Linde go through the science behind prescribing exercise for migraine really
gave me the boost I needed to get this project started.
I would encourage you to purchase the pass
to watch all of the summit if you can,
I’m still making my way through the talks I missed and it’s inspirational
viewing. For now though, I will share with you my favourite take-aways from Dr
Linde’s research.
1. Exercise can help prevent attacks for episodic migraine sufferers
This was the biggest news for me. We now have scientific evidence that
exercise can reduce the frequency of episodic migraines. In the study that
tested this, they worked out on stationary bikes for 30mins a time, 3 times
per week. This is absolutely manageable, and such a great thing to remember.
By moving our body we really can help our head.
2. Exercise can be a trigger for some people, so it’s important to know HOW to move in a way that doesn’t set off an attack
It’s important not to forget that exercise and exertion generally can be
triggers for some people. I know they are for me, which is one reason I
avoided doing anything much at all for 6 months. However there are ways that
this can be managed. More on this below…
3. Make sure to warm up first
The best protection against triggering a migraine is to go slowly when
shifting from a sedentary to active state. This applies both long term and
short term, but each time you work out you need to warm your body up first. If
you’re out for a walk, start slowly then pick up the pace. If you’re at the
gym, hop on the treadmill or bike at a low speed to get started.
4. Hydration is super important
This applies all day for migraineurs, but it is particularly important to
drink enough water while you are working out.
5. Manage your blood sugar
Again, this is good to remember all day but when you exercise your blood sugar
can drop more rapidly. I try to eat 1-2hrs before working out, and then again
within an hour or so afterwards. Don’t have a huge meal, but something light
and nutritious like a bowl of cereal or egg on toast.
6. Chronic migraine might also benefit from exercise, but we need more evidence
The reality is, it’s incredibly hard to exercise with chronic migraine. That
doesn’t mean it’s impossible, and it doesn’t mean it won’t help, but at this
point we are lacking evidence to concretely say that it will. For me
personally it has been helpful, but I have to set myself limitations rather
than goals, which is a whole new approach to moving my body.
7. Consider your exercise environment carefully
Thinking about where to exercise is really important for migraineurs. Consider
lighting, temperature, how busy it will be. Perhaps exercising at home is
best, or maybe you will be more likely to move if you go with a buddy. Each of
us has unique triggers, so consider yours before starting out.
8. There are still many questions that science hasn’t answered, but new research is happening all the time
This was the hopeful message I took from this talk, and actually all of the
Migraine Summit talks. Change is coming, and we are finally understanding more
about migraine each and every day.
If you’ve seen it, what did you take away from the Summit?
If you haven’t yet watched the videos, I highly recommend purchasing the pass
– and nope I’m not paid to say that! I just found it really valuable.
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