21 Easy Ways to Move More

If you’ve followed me on Instagram or Facebook for a while now, then you would
know one of my key messages is that we benefit from simply moving more. It
doesn’t have to be a sweaty gym session to be good for you, a simple stroll
around the block when you otherwise would have sat for that 15mins makes the
world of difference. Building more physical activity into your life adds up to
a healthier you, with or without the migraine!

Of course, with migraine you need to think about finding ways to move that
also don’t trigger an attack. These need to be able to fit into a life with
the unpredictability of migraine, allowing you to get going when you can and
rest when you need to. Here are some simple suggestions to get you started,
I’d love you to let me know if you have any you would add!

    1. Take the stairsYou have undoubtedly heard it before, but if you have the choice of
      elavator/life or stairs, take the stairs! Within reason of course, it gets my
      heart rate too high to go up more than a couple of flights in any one session.
      Great for the muscles of the legs and the hips!
    2. Park further away
      Going to the shops? Park in an easy vacant spot a decent walk from the front
      doors. Boom, a few minutes of movement and few hundred added steps right
    3. Squats while you watch Netflix
      Fairly self-explanatory! Throw in a few
      hovering above the sofa
      to break up the binge.
    4. Set up active friend dates
      I love meeting my friends for coffee and drinks (OK, OK, decaf tea and
      mocktails these days haha), but I also love organising walks along the beach
      or through a park. If you want to hear about their lives and catch up
      properly, you can do that without sitting still. Another option is to go to a yoga or fitness class together and then catch up over juice afterwards!
    5. Heel raises while you do your teeth
      Another simple one, just rise up onto the balls of your feet and down again
      while brushing your teeth. Aim for 10, rest, and then another 10.
    6. Tricep dips in the kitchen

Use the kitchen bench or a chair to do some tricep dips before you prep for
dinner. Here’s a YouTube clip how

    1. Walk around while you chat on the phone

      If someone calls you, use this as an opportunity to stand up and walk around.
      We are not tied to the desk to talk anymore, put your headphones in and go.

    1. Walking lunch breaks

      If you work in an office, go out for lunch somewhere a little further, get it
      to go and eat at your desk after a good 30min stroll there and back. You
      probably won’t do this every day, but sometimes this can be a neat way to add
      a walk into the work routine.

    1. Desk stretches

      Stretch your neck, your arms, wrists while sitting at your desk.

    1. Mobility exercises first thing

      When you wake up, have a gentle stretch and then get your body moving to start
      the day well. I love to work in some hip mobility, gentle shoulder rolls and a
      little spinal extension (fancy way of saying stretch up and arch your upper
      back as if you’re looking up at the sky!).

    1. Take public transport

      See if you can take public transport instead of driving. Better for the
      planet, better for you! Not always possible, but one to add in case it is!

    1. Get a new hobby!

      Did you love to dance when you were younger? There are plenty of adult dance
      lessons out there you could try! Or Zumba, yoga, pilates, golf, Tai Chi, aqua
      aerobics. Try to think fun, don’t focus on the workout but on the fun.

    1. Take frequent water breaks

      Whether at work or home, try to get up and have a little walk around and a
      gentle stretch every hour. When I worked in a big office I would make a point
      of going to fill up my water glass every hour, even if I hadn’t completely
      emptied it. Bonus – means you have to walk to more bathroom breaks too, haha.

    1. Home yoga

      See my post from a few weeks ago for some ideas and inspiration!

    1. Self-massage

      I love love love my foam roller. I definitely don’t use it as much as I’d like
      to (hello #mumlife) but when I do its great. Who doesn’t love a free massage
      and a chance to act silly rolling around on the floor? Similarly you could
      roll your feet to massage the muscles and fascia. It feels so good. I
      mentioned this in a recent
      post and many others
      said they enjoy it too! Look for a spikey exercise balls in Target or your
      nearest sports store, or you could use a tennis ball too.

    1. Find some simple moves you can do in bed

      With migraine, we do spend a fair bit of time lying on or in bed. See if you
      can break up the boredom of those high pain days with some gentle exercises
      like pulling your knees into your chest and away again, or circling your
      ankles and then your wrists. Every little counts.

    1. Take kids to the park

      We’ve had a few suggestions for people who work in an office. If you’re at
      home with kids like I am, then the easiest way to move is to give the kids
      what they want – park time! Just don’t forget your water, large hat and

    1. Date night

      Dinner and a stroll through the city is one of my favourite ways to spend an
      evening. Other options include a date afternoon where the kids go to the
      Grandparents/sitter and you and your partner pick something fun to do together
      like a walk along the beach. The best combination again = fun + movement!

    1. Go for a morning or an evening stroll

      Another obvious one that is often overlooked. Fitting regular walks into your
      weekly routine is the easiest way to get the movement minutes up, and I
      absolutely love a walk to clear my head after a long day or starting a new day

    1. Get an indoor bike

      This is one for those of you with space at home and the budget for a bike.
      Doesn’t have to be a fancy expensive one, but an indoor bike that you can hop
      on for 15-20mins 2-3 times a week is an invaluable way to boost your physical
      health. Plus, you get to listen to podcasts or audio books while you spin –
      multitasking at its best!

    1. Dance it out!

      An oldie but a goody – put on your favourite tune and get grooving! Personally
      I like to thrash it out to TV on the Radio or Arcade Fire somedays, and the
      Wiggles with Freya others. Either way it feels great to dance and move so
      freely. Fun + movement wins again.

I hope these inspire you to think outside the box, or gym! We don’t have to
sweat it out in activewear to stay healthy. Getting your heart rate up
regularly (but not too high for migraine
is important, but you can do this as part of your
everyday life.

Do you have any other simple suggestions you would add to the mix here?




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